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- Degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Vigo.
- Master in Sports Physiotherapy and recovery to physical activity by the University of Cantabria.
- Master in Nutrition from the University of Vigo.
- Osteopath DO by the School of Osteopathy of Madrid.
Collegiate number 2395
Miriam González Gamallo
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- Osteopath CO from the Madrid School of Osteopathy.
- Postgraduate degree in Articular Manipulative Physiotherapy by the University of A Coruña.
- Certified in Pilates Mat Work and Pilates Studio by Workfitness.
Collegiate number 2318
María Calvar Fernández
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- Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
- TPI training certification.
Collegiate number 70785
Christian Domínguez Guerra
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- University degree in Physiotherapy (UVIGO)
- Superior Technician in Physical and Animation Activities (TAFAD)
- Dry needle Course for Physiotherapists
Collegiate number 70161
Alba Cuba Dorado
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- Doctor in Physical Activity Sports and Health
- Associate Professor at the University of Vigo
- Postgraduate degree in exercise applied to people with medically controlled chronic pathologies
- High-level Galician coach
Collegiate COLEF nº57296
Ginés Martínez Vázquez
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- Graduate in Physical Activity, Sports and Health Sciences
- Master in Research in Activity, Physics, Sports and Health
- Postgraduate in Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation of Injuries
- XPS, XFS, CFSC, IKN I & II training certifications
Collegiate COLEF nº65459
Javier lópez Rodríguez
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- Graduated from CCAFyD
- Higher Technician in Animation and Physical Sports Activities
- Expert Course in Biomechanics applied to Strength Training
- PowerExplosive Trainer Course
Collegiate COLEF nº70161
Iago López Roel
Sports psychologist
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- Doctor in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Masters in Research in Health and Sport Psychology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Graduated in High Performance Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Certificate in Coaching
Collegiate number G-5460
Tania Álvarez Yates
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- CCAFD graduate.
- Master in Research in Physical Activity, Sport and Health.
- PhD student in physical activity, sport and health.
- Lecturer in the ccafd Degree at the University of Vigo 2019.
- Current - High Level Athlete accredited by the CSD 2016- Current.
Collegiate COLEF nº58317
Javier Carballo López
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- Graduate in Physical Education and Sports Sciences.
- Doctor in Education, Sports and Health Teacher at the University of Vigo
- Senior Rescue and First Aid Trainer
- High Level Athlete (DGAN)
Collegiate COLEF nº57126
Santiago Chain Salgado
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- Degree in Physiotherapy from the University of A Coruña.
- Graduated in Nursing from the University of Vig.
- Physiotherapist at RC Deportivo da Coruña 2011-2019.
Collegiate number 2230
Irene Mirás Vázquez
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- Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Valladolid
- Official Interuniversity Master in Xenetic, Nutritional and Environmental Conditioning for Growth and Development
- Anthropometist ISAK I
- Certificate in Advanced Sports Nutrition Barça Innovation Hub Universitas
ICNS Advanced Course in Sports Nutrition - Former High Level athlete accredited by the CSD (2015-2020)
Collegiate COLEF nºGA00146