All types of nutrition at all ages and stages:
children, adolescents, pregnancy, breastfeeding…

Clinical nutrition

Digestive and chronic pathologies

Vegans and vegetarians

Sport Nutrition

How do we do it?
Diets for weight gain, increased muscle mass.
Diets for losing body fat, weight loss.
Healthy diet adapted to your needs.
Recipes, options and teaching you that eating healthy is not boring. Weekly organization of the diet, preparation of a shopping list.
Weekly organization of the diet, preparation of a shopping list.Nutrition talks for adults or children about healthy or sports eating.
Nutrition talks for adults or children about healthy or sports eating.

Non-athlete consultation
For children, adolescents or anyone who needs to learn to manage their diet based on their environment and needs.
Consult athletes
They are those who train or do sports on a regular basis, have sporting objectives, either competitions, tests, physical tests such as oppositions… Body composition is determined by anthropometry. When consulting the athlete, their training, supplementation, competitions, time of the season, etc. are taken into account. They can be professional athletes, who compete, but also non-professionals or amateurs.